Strandbanken har sedan 2018 stöttat Beginning of Life (BoL), som är ett projekt drivet av en baptistkyrka i Moldavien. De arbetar för att ge hopp och framtidstro i ett land präglat av arbetslöshet sociala problem.
Strandbanken har bland annat stöttat en öppen förskola där unga mammor fått hjälp i vardagen, för att klara av att vara föräldrar i mycket svåra omständigheter, en projekt och en utslussningslägenhet för att tjejer som utsatts för trafficking ska komma in i arbetslivet och stöd till organisationen för att ta hand om Ukrainska flyktingar.
Läs mer på Equmeniakyrkans sida om BoL. BoL får även stöd från SIDA utifrån noggranna granskningar - pengarna kommer fram och gör stor skillnad.
Ett brev från juni 2022:
Dear partners and friends.
As you all know the political tensions in our region have evolved into real war in Ukraine. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian people have been forced to leave their homes and flee from their cities seeking safety. During the first week since the invasion there were 112 000 people, mostly women and children, elderly, coming to Moldova (60 000 have left Moldova to other countries by 2.03). Since intensification of the war situation, the wave of refugees becomes even bigger from day to day. Authorities are overwhelmed by the number of people who need help, and most of Moldovan people have responded with open hearts and houses. The Beginning of Life team also is engaged with these people and their needs. But taking into consideration the growing scale of the refugee crisis in Moldova, BOL will work in a special, emergency regime for the following period, adjusting all its resources and capacity to the situation in order to address people's needs and pain. Alongside with basic services as housing, transport and food, repair we provide: - work with children under the age of 7. they don't understand what happened, but they have a lot of fears and it is needed to be addressed; - work with children of school age and teens 8-17: psychological and spiritual support, free time, yard games, etc. - psychological and spiritual support for adults.
Please pray for peace and for people who are in the darkness today.
Vladimir Ubeivolc